
Articles Posted in Probation Violation


Probation Violation? -12 Proven and Effective Strategies to Reduce Jail Possibility (100% Legal)

Jail for a probation violation?  Seriously?  With a probation violation the Judge has that option. Being incarcerated is no place for anyone to be.  Losing your job, losing a place to live, having to start over from scratch – life is hard enough without all this stress.  But maybe the…


Probation Violation Arraignment

In Michigan when an individual is charged with probation violation the Court can either issue a summons directing the probationer to appear before the Court or issue an arrest warrant.  The Court has an obligation under Michigan Court Rule 6.445 to make sure that the probationer receives written notice of…


Will I go to jail or prison for violating my probation?

An accusation of probation violation will result in a court date with the Judge who sentenced you or the Judge who is now in charge of your original Judge’s docket.  Probation violations are often treated seriously by Judges for a number of reasons, including: protecting the integrity of the judicial…


Probation Violation Warrant

When a probation agent believes that a probation violation occurs, sometimes an arrest warrant is issued by the Judge to address the situation.  On other occasions, the probationer receives notice in the mail to appear on a particular date to address the probation violation.  It is also not uncommon for the probationer…


I Violated My Probation for the Second Time, Now What?

It happened again. You’ve violated your probation for a second time and jail time is looking very possible in your future. Whether it was a failed drug test, not reporting to your probation officer or being arrested for a new offense, the judge will likely be much less lenient the second time…


How Can a Probation Violation Affect Your Future?

  Are you facing accusations of probation violations? These allegations should not be taken lightly because this is a criminal charge with serious consequences including incarceration or probation extension. Hiring an experienced criminal defense or probation is critical to your case. Every individual has the right to challenge allegations made against them regarding probation…


Steps to Take After You are Accused of Violating Your Probation

If you’ve been convicted of a crime, it’s natural to hope for a sentence of probation rather than jail time. After all, probation allows you to stay out of the harsh environment of a jail or prison, and you’ll still be able to live your live relatively normally as long…


Violation of Probation for Use of Drugs or Alcohol

A very common violation of probation allegation in Michigan and elsewhere is for using or testing positive for drugs or alcohol while on probation.  The punishment for drug or alcohol related violation of probation can include one or a combination of any of the following: no sanction; added conditions of probation…


Probation – Types of Probation Supervision in Michigan

When an individual is placed on probation in Michigan, there is a determination made by the probation department and/or the sentencing Court as to type of supervision that a probationer receives.  A failure to comply with supervision, and the terms of probation, subjects the probationer to a violation of probation.…

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