
Why Do People Steal?

Why people steal is a complex question with many different possible answers:

  1.  Thrill.  There is a sense of excitement for many.  The thought of getting away with something can be enticing.  The sense of accomplishment for outsmarting the system is intoxicating to others.  The adrenaline.  The satisfaction.  The feeling of achievement.
  2. Mental illness.  To some, the need to steal is a compulsion.  It is not always about need.  Typically a kleptomaniac steals without giving much thought to whether or not he or she actually needs the item.  It is not uncommon for people that steal to suffer from some form of depression.
  3. Peer Pressure.  Many young people brag about things that they stole.   A young person may be tempted to steal because their friends are stealing.  There may be a feeling that if I do not steal, others will think I am a prude or a nerd.  The need to conform can be to conform to negative behaviors such as theft.
  4. Anger.  Sometimes a person has a general discontent with work, so to steal from an employer is a way to get back at what the person perceives to be an unsympathetic boss, unfair wages, hostile management.  When a relationship ends abruptly or poorly an aggrieved person may try to think of revenge.  Stealing is a way that someone perceives is a way to get back at someone.
  5. To Support an Addiction.  An addiction to drugs, alcohol, or gambling often leads someone to live outside of their means.  Living outside of one’s means often leads to theft, because the money has to come from somewhere.
  6. Necessity.  If a person is poor and he or she needs basic necessities such as food, clothing, formula for children, stealing may be a temptation.
  7. Greed.  To covet, to want, to desire is often the sole reason someone steals.  In Michigan there is a form of retail fraud called organized retail theft which is essentially retail fraud for the purpose of generating income.  Sometimes people steal to support a particular type of lifestyle.
  8. Mindless behavior.  A person may take something because they believe the item was worthless or abandoned.  The finders keepers mentality.  The question for these types of questions is whether or not there was an intent to steal.
  9. Accident.  There are instances where a person accidentally takes an item.  An example is when someone tries on jewelry at a store, becomes distracted, and forgets to remove it.  This is actually not stealing because the person who took the item did not have the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property.

A person accused of embezzlement, fraud, organized retail theft, retail fraud, stealing, or other form of theft needs strong legal representation.  For these types of crime any lawyer won’t do.  It is important to have a lawyer that specializes in defending theft-related offenses, such as attorney Daniel Hilf of Hilf & Hilf, PLC.  Why?

First, a lawyer who specializes in this area will understand all the potential defenses and know how to litigate the same.  This will give you the best chance of obtaining a great result.

Second, the reason behind the offense will be integral for any negotiations with the prosecution and Court if plea negotiations are appropriate for the case.  A lawyer experienced with these types of cases will help place everything in the correct context.  It may be possible to even avoid having a theft related conviction appear on your record, depending upon the circumstances.  Avoiding a jail or prison sentence also may be possible, depending upon the quality of your legal representation.

Third, being charged with a crime is stressful.  Having the confidence that you hired the right professional for the job helps to reduce the stress, anxiety, and depression which may accompany the legal precess.

For theft based crimes, the lawyer you hire matters.  For excellent legal representation in all theft crimes, hire attorney Daniel Hilf.  He has the experience, expertise, and ability to help you obtain the best result for your circumstances.

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